Nick Pacal

Portrait photo of Nick Pacal


Nicholas Pacal, Realtor​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Nick is known for delivering exceptional service, offering insightful advice, and identifying value and potential in properties of all kinds. He takes pride in effective communication with his clients throughout the buying and selling process, ensuring they are well-informed every step of the way. Whether it involves negotiating the best price or uncovering hidden property issues, he brings analytical thinking and strong negotiation skills to every transaction. Committed to making his clients' real estate experiences smooth, stress-free, and successful, Nick believes in working collaboratively and transparently. With an extensive background in sales, relationship building, meticulous attention to detail, and a proven track record of success, he is confident in his ability to help you achieve your real estate goals.
Outside of work, Nick is a longtime resident of Omaha, Nebraska. He shares his life with his loving and supportive wife Becky, and wonderful son who completes their family circle. Nick is a proud alumnus of both the University of Nebraska Omaha and the University of Nebraska Lincoln. In his free time, he enjoys playing sports, especially soccer, and is also a talented Alto Sax player. Nowadays, most of his time is happily spent playing with his son and indulging in a good book, although his wife humorously insists he should read even more.

Ask Nick Pacal
